Sunday, December 25, 2011


In Matthew 1 and Luke 3, we have two genealogies. These two genealogies at first glance seem to conflict. But after some study, i have understood how they do not conflict.

i had a talk with some very scholarly atheists one time. They told me how Biblical scholars state that the two genealogies do not conflict; that one is of Joseph and one is of Mary. Then they went on to tell me how the two books oppose each other in saying how Joseph had two different fathers.

In Matthew 1:16, we see how Jacob begot Joseph. The use of the word "begot" means that Jacob was the natural father of Joseph. "Beget" in Biblical language means, in modern day language, "to be the biological father." However, in Luke 3:23, we see that Joseph is stated to be the son of Heli. Please note, though, that the word "begot" is NOT used in this recording of Joseph's lineage.

i scratched my head on this one. Perhaps Heli was a guardian of Joseph? But how to explain the different ancestry in the lineages.

i did some more research.
In the beginning of both lineages in Matthew and Luke, they look about the same. Abraham begot Isaac, etc., until the list continues after David. David, as many know, had more than one son. David had lots of children. In Matthew 1:6, we read, "and Jesse begot David the king. David the king begot Solomon by her who had been the wife of Uriah." In Luke 3:31, we read, "the son of Melea, the son of Menan, the son of Mattathah, the son of Nathan, the son of David." While the lineage in Matthew goes from first to last, the lineage in Luke goes from last to first. It's backwards, but the list in Luke puts Mary's line as starting from Nathan the son of David. Joseph's line starts from Solomon the son of David. So we see the Jesus' parents both were of the line of David but Joseph and Mary did not have the same ancestors.
The lineage in Luke IS of Mary. And the lineage in Matthew IS of Joseph. i did some research by going to the Defender's Study Bible. The notes on Luke 3:23 provided some insight. The word "son" found in Luke 3:23 is not in the original; so the word could be taken to mean "son-in-law," as it most likely does, because Joseph is clearly stated in Matthew to be the natural son of Jacob.

The genealogies are complementary. In Luke 3, Mary isn't mentioned. Her lineage is mentioned but her name is not inserted simply because she is a woman and women rarely had their names mentioned in genealogies. Joseph took her place in her genealogy as the son-in-law of Heli. The two lines of Joseph and Mary split at David. David had Solomon (Matthew 1). Solomon's line would not be the line from which the King would come but Nathan, David's other son, would continue the line in which the King would arise, through Mary. Joseph was the leader of his family and the earthly father of Jesus. Mary was the one who physically delivered Jesus into the world and it is through HER line, the line to which the honor of kingship was bestowed, that Jesus came.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Be Careful for Nothing

Philippians 4:6-7 states: "Be careful for nothing (do not be anxious for anything), but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." KJV.

There are at least two commandments i find in this scripture: 1) Be anxious for nothing, and 2) in everything, with thanksgiving, present your requests unto God.

To make progress with most things we do, we have to stop doing one thing and start doing another. Simply stopping is not enough. Stopping the propeller on a boat or a ship will keep it from moving any faster in one direction, but if the captain does not start up the propeller again in the opposite direction, the boat or ship will simply drift atop the waves. Movement in the opposite direction is necessary.

If we are to cease worry, anxiety, and complaining (which we must do; it is a commandment), we must also replace these things with thanksgiving and petition unto God. 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Psalm 23 and"You Never Let Go" by Matt Redmond. Today i remember that God is with me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

i opened my Bible to Psalm 19, and it reminded me of a song that Downhere does called "Starspin." Read the psalm, check out the song.

Monday, October 10, 2011

My first breath.

This Is Me.
My name is Ruth Hagel. i am 18. i grew up in Spokane, WA, and i have a desire to serve my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is something about myself...i guess you could call it my testimony. Or my autobiography. Whatever it's called, here it is. Enjoy it or not.
i've been growing up in a Christian home, with parents who want to know where you are and what time you'll be home. My parents never let us kids watch anything with "immoral content" in it, listen to any hard music, or hang out with the wrong people who could severely influence us in the wrong way. We always went to church unless we were sick. If something happened on Sunday morning that you were interested in participating in...too bad. We were homeschooled, so our friends always came from the church and church youth group, or other such outlets. That's how it was when i was younger and, though they have a weaker hold of control over us, that's how it is now. Growing up in this family i never questioned the doctrine of the Bible as it was taught to me. i never questioned if God was really God or if i really did need Jesus. i just lived the life my parents lived. i accepted that i "accepted" Christ as my Savior and was thus ushered into some cult that met under a white cross steeple. My first "real" act of "repentance" was committed at age 4. i know for a fact that age 4 is too young to really know what the dilly people are talking about with all the Jesus stuff. i continued in life thinking i was saved, but not really living it. i would say the right words, act when it was required, and jump when i was told "jump."
When i was 10, my parents decided to give me the opportunity of going to a public school. i said "yes!" and entered 5th grade at Windsor Elementary school. My mother would always drive me there in the mornings, and there would be someone to pick me up later in the afternoon. i went to middle school for about 3 months, after which i felt that i didn't want to go anymore. In middle school i got my first real taste of the pressure of the world. Whenever i walked through the crowded halls with pants that weren't long enough for me, i felt small. Whenever i did something that made people laugh at me, i felt stupid. So many kids running around in one building, each one trying to find their niche. i left and began homework at home once more.
At age 11, i had a desire to learn guitar. i don't remember having any good reason to except that guitarists always looked cool and made awesome solos. My pastor and pastor's son helped me in this with their teaching skills and equipment(they lent me a guitar to practice on). Though at first i seemed to be avid in my learning, i gave up after a couple months. My guitar sat in the corner for 1 year...all by its little lonely self...i was too lazy and had failed to develop my interest.
At age 12, i began working at the Cocolalla Lake Bible Camp. i worked for two weeks the summer of '05. During those two weeks i had a peak of emotion. All around me the staff i worked with were happy, and they seemed to have such a love for Jesus while working there. At each meal we would all be laughing at the tables, telling jokes. Each Bible study in the morning would reveal to us some truth we had never thought of before, or would convict us. We would hear stories from the cabin leaders about children being saved in their cabins. The work in the kitchen was never dull, but always filled with laughter and busy-ness. All these happenings filled me with a sense of euphoria and i thought i had a desire for God. One i had never felt before. Filled with the emotion, i decided to turn once more to God and try living for Him. This is known as "rededication", though it is not a Biblical term.
This rededication did not stay fresh for long. Once camp season was over, my emotional dedication to God fell. i was no longer with my new friends. They no longer made me laugh and feel good about myself. i was home with my family once again, just doing homework, trying to have fun, and forgetting about God.
One evening i got nudged. Nudged by God. i was sitting in front of the piano, trying to play a worship song on my guitar. i kept getting frustrated. i just couldn't switch chords quickly enough. i was so frustrated i almost gave up. But then i decided to pray. i prayed and when i prayed, i asked God to give me the ability to play the song. i told Him that if He would only make me play right, i would play for His glory. i started playing again with a sort of determination and the more i played, the better i got. By the end of the evening i could play the song through.
At age 13, i began to take guitar lessons with a man named Simon Way. His love for music and the way He plucked the guitar strings(with such pleasure!)inspired me to pick up the beautiful instrument and explore its sounds. He would help me understand complicated music theory. It was he who showed me that playing guitar was fun. i began to get better at it and a little while later i found myself leading worship music in my church.
In the year 2007 i was working at camp again. i enjoyed hanging out with the people and working in the kitchen. i was always busy. All too quickly summer ended. September came, and i was now a freshman. i had much homework to do, which kept me on my toes, and it gave me something to do to fill the time. That fall was the beginning of a depression that would slowly overwhelm me. My thoughts became darker and darker...i was filled with the knowledge that nobody cared about me...that i was all alone. Everywhere i went i felt darkness and the numbing sense that i was alone. i didn't reach out for God. i had no desire to. i don't know how, but i slowly filled with anger, bitterness, and fear. My family expected me to be fine, to go to church, to say i was a Christian. In my heart i wasn't, and i knew this. i knew about God but i didn't care. Some of my thoughts were, "God is too hard to live for. i want to do this, and i don't care if God's there. i'm not going to pretend i live for Him anymore." Bitter and dark thoughts filled my mind constantly. i didn't want to be around people. i had no desire to do anything "fun." i did not, at all, want to be with my family. They only annoyed me and seemed to taunt me with their going to church and evening family Bible readings. In 2008 it only got worse.
The first time i cut myself was a nudge further into depression. At first i was scared. i had never thought of hurting myself before. This was another step away from God. i wanted to hurt myself. It felt good to let the bitterness and anger be revealed in the blood that flowed from the gash i made. Every time the anger felt like it was too much to contain, i would cut. i now wanted to do whatever i could to flee my "innocency"...the person i was before. The girl who never got drunk, laid, or high. During that time i had no driver's license, nor did i have any connections with a lot of people. i believe God spared me from doing drugs, getting drunk, and getting screwed. He was watching me all the time, protecting me even though i certainly did nothing to deserve it. i didn't want God, but He wanted me. i would cut on my arms and not even think about it being noticed by people. i just did it because it felt good. i think every teenager contemplates suicide and i know i certainly did. What reason had i to keep going? If God didn't care and i didn't care, life was empty. In the summer of 2008 i imagined that my depressed state of mind was coming to its end. i thought it would be ok. But i sank back down again. i felt betrayed by everyone around me, and no one could know the pain i harbored inside. Dejection, fear, and ANGER. Hey, the depression was terrible, and like i said, i don't know how it really got started, but i know that God used it to bring me to my knees. Near the end of 2008 i slowly began to get curious about God. i didn't like leading worship in church or going to Bible studies or anything like that. It was boring and pathetic to me. But in January i reached the end of all i could endure. i was so tired of being turned away from God, though i didn't admit it. It was on a Friday in January(the 2nd or 9th)of this year, 2009, that God used a valuable friend in my life to bring me to my knees. My good friend Janae and i had finished cleaning my dad's shop that night and we were in my room talking. i was telling her that i thought i wanted to go back to God, but i knew He wouldn't take me back because of my rebellion. i figured she would talk to me and i would be thinking "she's going to try to make me feel better." But when she talked to me(i can't remember what she said)it all made sense to me, and i believed her. i didn't want to, but i listened, and her words penetrated my soul. God's words. That night i gave my heart to Jesus, and i told Him that i finally realized how much i needed Him. Today i am striving to live for Him. i know that God is good and that He saved me for His purpose.
You need to know God for yourself and know Jesus for yourself. Love Him because He first loved you, and not because it's what you've been told.

Deuteronomy 8

Let us not forget God when we are satisfied and comfortable, but remember Him all the more; for we received all that we have from Him. And when He tests us, let us remember that it is for our good in the end. God is the all-knowing Father Who lovingly molds His children for His good purpose.

So...i think i've got a fresh outlook now.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remember something: God doesn't work for anybody. Not even you.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

An Attitude of Devotion...Something from William Law

i'm going through this book called "The Fruitful Life" by Jerry Bridges, and this morning i read in chapter 2 an interesting quote from William Law concerning the attitude of devotion. This is what he has to say about devotion to God:

"Devotion signifies a life given, or devoted to God. He therefore is the devout man, who lives no longer to his own will, or the way and spirit of the world, but to the sole will of God, who considers God in everything, who serves God in everything, who makes all the parts of his common life, parts of piety, by doing everything in the name of God, and under such rules as are conformable to His Glory."
William Law

This made me rethink my whole attitude of devotion unto God. It is never enough; we could always be more devoted.

The List

Sometimes i think it will never happen. That the days of hoping, planning, dreaming, and wishing will come to an end with nothing to show for. That all my expectations will collapse under the weight of reality.

i have compiled a list of places i want to go, people i want to see, and things i want to do. It's a monstrous list. Full of far-out, insane wishes that perplex even myself. When i have spare moments in time, i think on these things and the wishing grows stronger each time i do.

i doubt the fact that i can even do all these things. After all, i have no job and no high aspirations. Hair design? Like that will get me anywhere. Minimum wage? You can't go on a road trip to England with that for 5 days out of every week.

Crap. The paper on which the list is written gets crumpled up and thrown into the already full garbage can. It's hopeless. i tell myself that i want too much, and that i should be grateful for everything i have and not strive for anymore; that i'm lucky and blessed beyond worth for what i do have.

The wishing never stops.Whenever the doubt wells up inside me, i tell myself that i'm fine where i'm at and the poor list gets crumpled after each new creation. Where will all the wishing lead? If i can ONLY....

and there i go again. i'm a terrible person, a terrible daughter for wanting so much.

i say, "God. i know i'm here for a reason. You think it's possible i could do just a few of these things?"

If i found a wishing well, i'm not sure i'd use it. i've already asked the supernatural blessing-Giver for those things i truly, really want, and it is His decision to make. Meanwhile, i experience life as it is and maybe that really is good enough. Maybe i do not need so many activities and sights. All of the events i experience and witness could be enough for a human such as i. Don't think i've given up. i really haven't. But while i'm here, allow me to smell the roses which pass beneath my nose.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


We should give our time in service to God. How are we serving Him if we're not giving out of our time in one way or another?
Do we fit God in on our lunch break or in the unexpected bits of free time that come our way? We shouldn't. We have been given "now" and we should use "now" to give God a return on His investment. Amen? This is definitely something i know i have to work on.

Ephesians 5:15-17 states:
"Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise, but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is."
i realize that we don't always have time. Maybe we never have time. When we never have time, that's when we should make time. It would be wise to make time before we're out of time. Here are a couple verses i found on filling the time:

1 Corinthians 7:29-31-the time we have is short.
Proverbs 12:24-do much.
Ecclesiastes-death is inevitable.
Ecclesiastes 12-what to do before you die!