Thursday, September 22, 2011

Remember something: God doesn't work for anybody. Not even you.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

An Attitude of Devotion...Something from William Law

i'm going through this book called "The Fruitful Life" by Jerry Bridges, and this morning i read in chapter 2 an interesting quote from William Law concerning the attitude of devotion. This is what he has to say about devotion to God:

"Devotion signifies a life given, or devoted to God. He therefore is the devout man, who lives no longer to his own will, or the way and spirit of the world, but to the sole will of God, who considers God in everything, who serves God in everything, who makes all the parts of his common life, parts of piety, by doing everything in the name of God, and under such rules as are conformable to His Glory."
William Law

This made me rethink my whole attitude of devotion unto God. It is never enough; we could always be more devoted.

The List

Sometimes i think it will never happen. That the days of hoping, planning, dreaming, and wishing will come to an end with nothing to show for. That all my expectations will collapse under the weight of reality.

i have compiled a list of places i want to go, people i want to see, and things i want to do. It's a monstrous list. Full of far-out, insane wishes that perplex even myself. When i have spare moments in time, i think on these things and the wishing grows stronger each time i do.

i doubt the fact that i can even do all these things. After all, i have no job and no high aspirations. Hair design? Like that will get me anywhere. Minimum wage? You can't go on a road trip to England with that for 5 days out of every week.

Crap. The paper on which the list is written gets crumpled up and thrown into the already full garbage can. It's hopeless. i tell myself that i want too much, and that i should be grateful for everything i have and not strive for anymore; that i'm lucky and blessed beyond worth for what i do have.

The wishing never stops.Whenever the doubt wells up inside me, i tell myself that i'm fine where i'm at and the poor list gets crumpled after each new creation. Where will all the wishing lead? If i can ONLY....

and there i go again. i'm a terrible person, a terrible daughter for wanting so much.

i say, "God. i know i'm here for a reason. You think it's possible i could do just a few of these things?"

If i found a wishing well, i'm not sure i'd use it. i've already asked the supernatural blessing-Giver for those things i truly, really want, and it is His decision to make. Meanwhile, i experience life as it is and maybe that really is good enough. Maybe i do not need so many activities and sights. All of the events i experience and witness could be enough for a human such as i. Don't think i've given up. i really haven't. But while i'm here, allow me to smell the roses which pass beneath my nose.