Friday, December 31, 2010

2 Corinthians 7

i just got done reading 2 Corinthians 7, one of my most favorite chapters in the Bible. Paul is addressing the Corinthians about his previous letter to them, that had denounced the sinful actions that were being done in their church.
He says that he does not regret it, though he did. Through the letter, the Corinthians were convinced of their wrong and repented. They were sorrowful for what they did and they turned around and stopped the nonsense.
The Corinthian believers were sad, sad about their wrong. Humans tend to think of sadness as a bad thing. If a friend of ours is down, we try to cheer them up. When we hear of someone talking about themselves like they're bad, terrible people, we tell them the opposite and assure them that they are nice, good people. In 2 Corinthians 7:9, Paul says he rejoices that the Corinthians were made sorry. He doesn't say that because he is sadistic and likes to accuse people and make them cry, but because he loves them. He knows that their sorrow led them to repentance. They were stuck in sin and they needed to get out, and their sorrow led them to the place where they decided to stop.

Godly sorrow leads to repentance. Sorrow isn't always bad. When we are sorry for something we did that was wrong, it is a huge indicator that our heart is in the right place. It shows that we want to please God and aren't happy unless we do. God disciplines His children for their good. He causes us to be convicted by our own conscience so we can only learn to please Him better. i pray that this attitude would be found in me when i am not in God's will. i pray that i would be sorrowful when i am not doing the right thing so that i may repent and remain in the light.
Walk with the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh.
God bless you and i hope you have a good day.

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