Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Day at the Park

Looking back on the experience, they now remind me of the three blind mice. All comrades, all hanging out together, all blind.
It happened that i was meeting an old classmate downtown at Riverfront Park. i waited patiently, enjoying the scenery and the weather. It was summer, and i was pleased with the fun car ride i had downtown and being able to sit out in silence on a nice day by myself, though i was meeting a friend. It was an awesome time of solitude and sunshine.
As is wont when you are waiting by yourself somewhere public, my eyes strayed and wandered and observed every movement around me, all the people walking by.
Just down from where i sat, i saw three young girls, sitting and talking. They had their phones out and were chatting casually. i noticed they were the street type, who wore punk clothes and heavy makeup, and did what they wanted without caring what their parents thought (if their parents even cared).
i tried to ignore them and just enjoy my time waiting, but the thought of them would not leave me alone. i kept thinking of going to talk to them, to show them some kindness, but why should i? They would think i was weird and probably wouldn't even care. Highly likely they wouldn't care.
i waited a few minutes more and kept looking over at them, and couldn't stand it anymore. i slowly got up, took a few steps, then thought to myself, what am i doing?
i quickly quieted the doubt and with my resolve, continued walking in their direction. i finally got to where they were sitting, and there was a tree about a few feet in front of them. What's with the tree? i don't know.
i asked them if i could just sit and hang out with them until my friend arrived, and they all agreed casually. i could see they were somewhat uncomfortable, but not really bothered. i observed that they were middle school aged, and liked to wear cleavage-revealing tops. Perfect, i thought. i began talking with them, about little things and asking them what school they went to, what they were doing that day, etc. and not at all coming across as the creepy type (at least, i hope not). i sat against the tree, nonchalant style.
Two girls would look at me every now and then, but were mostly involved in their own conversation; but one in particular looked me in the eyes as i talked. Insecure as they were, i was surprised that one of them actually looked me in the eyes and listened with attention. i realized as i continued talking with them that this girl, the one who gave me the most attention, was the awkward third. The other two were better friends, but they all hung out anyway.

Her eyes haunt me to this day. i can never forget them.

After several minutes of conversation, i launched into telling the gospel. First i asked some question relating to Jesus. i can't remember exactly what i asked, but i think it was something to the effect of "Have you heard of Jesus" and "What do you think of Him?"
They gave the typical explanation of the Savior. "Didn't He die for our sin or something...?"
So i told them about how i had no hope, i was lost. And i told them how i met the Savior, and told them who He really was and what He did. All through my narrative, the girl with the haunting eyes paid the keenest attention and i directed some of my narrative solely to her. She looked at me and listened, and i felt that she was intensely hungry for the gospel which i tried to explain.
Time ran out, i had to go meet my friend.

So i went. i told them thank you for letting me hang with them, and they said goodbye, have a nice day, and were very nice as they sent me on my way.

So i met the friend and we talked, but my mind was still on that event that had become the highlight of my day. It would never leave my mind. i will never forget them, and the impact they had on me. i hope i somehow made an impact on them, or rather, that Christ had an impact on them.

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